Thursday, March 19, 2020

Laid off but not laid out...

It's been a very long time since I have been here but now in this moment it seems like a good time to openly chronicle the chaos that is my life.

Initial reaction to "you're laid off" is fear, let's be realz... we live in a mainly capitalistic society and cash is king... food, bills, mortgage, car payment and the like.

Then reality sets in... I've had a lot on my plate for a very long time, and even a short layoff isn't necessarily horrible, I'm exhausted... girl needs a break.

REALITY... I have three previous unpublished blog posts that need to be revisited if I am going to spend  any time here, the majority of my house is an absolute mess, starting the seeds for the garden is well behind, I'd love a she shed and that will take time, I literally have a mountain of laundry, my son would like to switch rooms with me and I am not opposed and I have two dogs that wouldn't mind some walks in the woods and I want to free my mind in the form of books and art.

Step One: start chore list and inventory the cabinets and freezers then set a menu and meal plan to all best advantages while back-filling with the least expense possible... something I happen to be an expert at when I am of the right frame of mind. If history repeats itself we will have some of the best meals ever even though I stay within budget.

I get to cook and bake more (which I love to do) in a more creative manner, I get to breathe a little, I get to be a stay at home dog mom, I will hike and read and art... deep breath, at least for now I got this bitch handled.

First application for which I am well qualified for, possibly doubling my pay has  already been  submitted.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's Time to Win the War...

As I leave my home this evening to open a TFD meeting and for the first time as the Chairman I will turn it over to the District... by the end of this evening my one hope is after fourteen months of a long hard fight that I  have won back my vote on the annual TFD budget fair and square.

In many ways I wouldn't trade these last fourteen months for anything, some really great moments, some not so great moments, so many great people across the country who have followed our story and supported us... I really believe we as a group opened the eyes of politicians across the state that a small group of dedicated people can indeed make change. 

It's been an incredible ride.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The year is 1908...

-Thompsonville Fire Department is
Pleased with the Apparatus
(Special to the Courant)

In June at the annual district meeting a motion was made by M. W. Hullivan that the sum of $3500, or any part thereof be appropriated for the purchase of the auto-chemical engine and hose truck for the use of the fire department, many will remember the debate, which was spicy at times, but the motion was carried by a large majority."
circa 1908

"But the vote was carried by a large majority." Who is this large majority? Clearly there wasn't a "large" number of commissioners, one would have to come to the clear conclusion "large majority" would be the district tax payers. The year is 1907 and there is voting for large expenditures such as fire apparatus by the district tax payers.

Knowing the district tax payers have a far longer history of voting history that was taken away with little to no thought of it's effects has been frustrating at best.

That said, lets get back to the truck.

It's Arrival Celebrated by Street Parade, with Bands of Music and Red Fire.

"The machine is handsome in design, and will compare favorably with any similar fire wagon in the large cities of New England."

"It has the capacity of one thirty-five gallon chemical tank, two three gallon hand extinguishers, carries 200 feet of one-inch chemical hose, 500 feet of water hose, a 24 foot extension ladder and a 13 foot roof ladder, besides having space for six men."

A far cry from the fire apparatus of today.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Its Official, I'm a Politician...

It is a rare moment I am brought to the point of near speechlessness but at least for a few moments last night I was. I did it, I really did it, went out of my comfort zone.,0,1607938.story

"Those that cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana
Part of the process of growing the CTTFD was learning about the rich history of the Thompsonville Fire Department.

One of the Liveliest Sessions Ever Held

"Mr. Davis reported that he found the books to be all right, except Mr. Broderick's method of bookkeeping seemed to be original with him. Mr. Broderick replied his method in bookkeeping was the same method as had been in use in keeping the treasurer's account for the last 22 years."

I'm not sure of the year but the above news clipping could be a fire district meeting in the year 2014. With just a slight rephrasing the news article today would read...

One of the Liveliest Sessions Ever Held

"Mr. Cross reported that he found the books to be all right, except Chief Alaimo's method of bookkeeping seemed to be original with him. Chief Alaimo replied his method in bookkeeping was the same method as had been in use in keeping the treasurer's account for the last 22 years."

I of all people understand hanging on to the past, I'm the record keeper, the seeker of my ancestors, I have spent the last many years trying to preserve the best of Enfield/Thompsonville's past.  History is part of growing, but to become a better entity you need to leave the things in the past that don't work... not hang onto them like a comfortable old faded  pair of jeans; where your rear end hangs out the back because they are torn.

The days of "That's how it's always been done" has to change. Again, it's that pair of old torn jeans you just can't seem to throw out... trust me, no one wants to see your fanny. There comes a time when you go out and find a new pair of jeans, that you realize the old pair is no longer of use.
We as individuals, the District, the town and the world need to change with the times to prosper.

"Mr. Broderick moved that the district commission be instructed to draft a set of by-laws which would be entrusted to our Representatives in the Legislature and to have it legalized."

Say what???? Bylaws, what bylaws???? No, seriously; one hundred years of bylaws being spoken of and no final action taken???  This is something I will need to look into. What happened to those bylaws and what stopped them from going to the Legislature??? Curiouser-and-Curiouser.

There is nothing more dangerous than a government without guidelines and rules. How is it the TFD has survived 175 years without any rules, aka bylaws? This little empire onto it's own that the TFD is, happens to be very complicated thing though the Act that governs this fiefdom is simple and of little substance.

Posted via Blogaway

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Official Announcement...

I am announcing my intent to run for Fire Commissioner of the Thompsonville Fire Department.

My name is Colleen Ann Reidy. I am married and the mother of three sons and have lived in the Thompsonville Fire District for over 20 years.

For the last 13 years, I have supported the Enfield community by serving on town committees. I was a Chairman of the Beautification Committee and a member of the Enfield Revitalization Committee. Currently, I am an Alternate Commissioner for the Enfield Historic District. I have been employed by the Town of Enfield for the last 12 years and I am Vice President of the local union. My background is in accounting, banking and sales.

As a member of the Green Party, I believe in the principle of grassroots democracy, where the taxpayer fully participates in the government process. The Green Party encourages taxpayer participation in the process to ensure that public officials are held accountable to the people who elect them. The Green Party also works to expand the participatory process by encouraging the creation of political organizations such as the Concerned Taxpayers of the Thompsonville Fire District (CTTFD). I see my  membership in CTTFD as an extension of the principle of grassroots democracy.

As a member of CTTFD, I have spent countless hours over the last year advocating to get the vote back for the TFD taxpayers. During the last year, we have experienced some setbacks, but we have also experienced some success. Recently, through our grassroots efforts, we were able to petition the Connecticut legislature, where the TFD taxpayers will be ensured that a 35 year tradition of voting on the annual budget, will continue. As a result of our efforts, HB-5541 was introduced and is currently working its way through the legislative process. I will not stop fighting until we have our vote back as a district.

With all the confusion of the last year now more than ever it is clear we are in need of bylaws. We need an actual seated Bylaw Committee. The bylaws should include a process to restrict the free-flowing movement of funds in the budget from one line item to another. No funds should ever be transferred without the allocation first being discussed at a meeting that includes public participation along with a favorable majority vote of the Commission. The days of the Thompsonville Fire District having an open checkbook needs to end.

We need a plan for the future as a fire district. The district has been running year-to-year without a plan for 175 years. What are the district’s needs in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? These things need to be discussed and planned. This can best be accomplished  through a committee comprised of Commissioners, taxpayers and fire personnel.

With a town budget of around $12 million dollars for five fire districts, where a portion of our personnel are volunteer, we are overpaying for our current services. It is time to look into consolidation of these five districts.

As a Commissioner, I will do my part to create committees that will include Commissioners, taxpayers and fire personnel. We are all in this together and we should be making the decisions for our future as a district together. As a Commissioner I will listen, both to the taxpayers, as well as to the fire personnel. The current status of an unresponsive commission must end.

To a positive future,
Colleen Ann Reidy

and so it began eleven months ago... the birth of the CTTFD.

On May 23, 2013 after the annual Thompsonville Fire District meeting I was left in shock, flabbergasted, disgusted and angry... in the end I was left  mostly angry and disgusted.

How could anyone take another person's vote away without discussion or recourse? I learned that night that it appeared it was very easy for some. I take being an American very seriously, and since the age of eighteen I have never squandered a vote that I knew was mine to cast.

Let's backpedal a little to the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Thompsonville Fire District, a meeting we traditionally discuss the upcoming year's budget, suggest and vote on changes as we, the tax payers see fit. When we are in agreement through our vote we then as a district vote the annual budget in or out... a vote that had been going on for at least 35 years, a vote that is traditionally voted favorably upon... a vote that was taking place over 100 years ago. This meeting was different, rumors had been going around that a vote would not happen... when the Commission was asked if there would be a vote their response to the tax payers they serve was silence. Any attempt at tax payer discussion was ignored; in the coming weeks one Commissioner was quoted in the Hartford Courant as saying "I don't even listen to them."

In the most recent past years it has been increasingly difficult  to be heard by and acted upon by the Commissioners of the Thompsonville Fire District. Some of these issues being self inflicted on ourselves the tax payers by trusting those we voted in and not being as involved as we as tax payers should have. If nothing else we should have been attending meetings on a regular basis, keeping ourselves fully informed and speaking up as our personal need arose... shame on us.

The next few days following the annual meeting emails, phone calls and face to face discussion began and plans to get as many people together to discuss our options as tax payers. Our first few meetings were conducted with members standing in every nook and cranny of the room, and sitting in folding chairs we each brought to a house that was being renovated on Lincoln Street.

In the beginning the pace of the group was fast, a Board was elected, a name for our group agreed upon, a mission statement made, the decision to bring a lawsuit on the Commission, plaintiffs for the lawsuit, came forward, we found our attorney Ryan McKeen and we almost immediately outgrew our meeting place on Lincoln Street. So the Concerned Taxpayers of the Thompsonville Fire District (CTTFD) was formed.

Monetary donations started pouring in, five, ten, twenty, and maybe just maybe if we were lucky a hundred dollars at a time. We quickly had the two thousand dollars we needed for our attorney to research our viability of bringing our cause to a lawsuit; it also afforded us some monies to move our meetings to the Old Polish Home on Alden Avenue in Thompsonville. By this time we were having meetings that included one hundred or so tax payers on a weekly basis.

Two thousand dollars to the attorney turned into ten thousand dollars more and our lawsuit was filed July 2, 2013 in the Hartford Superior Court. The core group of about thirty individuals, those that have held steadfast and true; in one hundred degree weather went door to door handing out fliers and talking to tax payers about our cause. The donations kept coming in, some as high as five hundred and a thousand dollars... we have had money come from as far away as Washington state. It has come to our attention that fire departments all over New England and the country are following our story. Needless to say it's been a wild and incredibly crazy ride, one I am extremely proud to be a part of.

As a group the CTTFD started showing up at the Thompsonville Fire District and Town Council meetings making ourselves known and heard. In hopes of regaining our vote back quickly through the lawsuit we began the process to stall the building of our much disputed fire station, hoping to still have an opportunity to vote on the new station.  For myself as well as a majority of the CTTFD it wasn't that we are against a much needed new fire station; it was the process with the lack of a vote in favor of the station being built that we to this day disagree with.

The next step in this incredible adventures is the first tag sale. People from all over Enfield donated their good, useable items for us to sell. The first tag sale netted us over twenty two hundred dollars. The core group of CTTFD supporters was tireless, they all worked together and watched out for each other as it again was a very hot day. The highlight of our day was a gentleman from Plainville Connecticut who had been following our story coming to the tag sale personally to hand us a donation for our cause.

During the first tag sale we noticed the signs for the local Congregational Church's annual tag sale. The plan began to save what was left from tag sale number one, add more donated items to what was remaining and return to sell again. The second tag sale was much more work, tougher, the large money making items had already sold the first time around. In the end we collected over two thousand dollars, with sales of fifty cents to a couple dollars for each item sold.

The initial lawsuit was dismissed as the judge didn't believe their was any loss to the tax payers of the district so she deemed we had no standing. The plaintiffs met together and decided they would proceed with an appeal.

It is now December of 2013 to January 2014 and the CTTFD makes it's official request to State Representative David Alexander to help us make changes to the Act that governs our Fire District to clearly state we had a right to vote.  Other requests of the legislative body that were made were to increase our district's current three seated commission to five, and to include limited liability corporations in the right to vote .

More donations for the appeal were needed, this time along with the smaller donations  we receive donations in the thousand dollar range, each and every step of the way I am humbled by the support we receive. Just when we think we aren't going to make the next hurdle someone steps up to the plate and gets us by.

So unto us a bill is born... RB-5541 had it's hearing before the State of Connecticut's Planning and Development Committee on March 21, 2014. Almost twenty of our members were able to adjust their schedule and stay the entire day. The dedication of the CTTFD was evident as no one left the committee chambers for anything else but to use the restroom. I can't say that I saw anyone take the time to eat, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm we sat there quietly and respectfully listening to countless people's testimony for whichever hopeful bill they were there to support or dispute.

A few days later the entire Planning and Development Committee numbering twenty members voted favorable to raise our bill to the House of Representatives with a clear 20 Yay to 0 Nay vote.

So here we are, it's April 8, 2014 and I am about to make my first political run... that of Fire Commissioner of the Thompsonville Fire District.

Other articles of interest:,0,1607938.story,0,5807265.story